Pdwarf pinch is at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, it already existed in large numbers, and the breeding book from 1925 records more than 1300 dogs of this breed. As with the German Pinscher, of the many variations in dog color, only black-coated dogs with lighter markings, pure fawn and brown-fawn were bred.
General Appearance: The Miniature Pinscher is a reduced variant of the German Pinscher whose size does not disturb the general harmony of the dog. His elegant square frame is clearly visible thanks to his short and smooth coat.
Important proportions:
- The ratio of length and height is such that it contributes to a square frame
- Length of the head (from the tip of the nose mushroom to occiput) corresponds to half the length of the dorsal line (from the graben to the root of the tail)
Temperament: His liveliness, determination, self-confidence and balanced temperament make it a pleasant family pet and companion.
• Head Cranial part:
Strong, elongated, without particularly pronounced occipital bumps. The front part is flat and extends parallel to the nose.
Stop: Mild, but still clearly defined.
• Personal part
Nose mushroom: The skin on the nose is well developed and always black.
Muzzle: Ends with a blunt wedge. The nose is straight.
Lips: Black, smooth, close to the jaws. The lips are closed.
Dentistry: Strong upper and lower jaw. A full scissor bite (42 pure white teeth according to the dental formula) is strong and the jaws close tightly. The chewing musculature is well developed, without accentuated cheeks that disturb the smooth contours.
Eyes: Dark, oval, with black pigmented, close-fitting eyelids
Ears: erect, set high, V-shaped, with inner edges close to the cheeks and facing the temples. The folds are parallel, they should not cross the upper line of the head.
Neck: Elegantly curved and not too short. It blends smoothly with the ridge, without any noticeable transition. Dry, without padding. The skin on the neck is tight and without wrinkles.
• Body
Back line: Slightly falling from the withers towards the back. .
Withers: Represents the highest point of the back line.
Back: Strong , short and nicely toned.
Loins: Short, strong and deep. The distance between the last rib and the hip is short, which makes the dog look compact.
Hoop: Slightly rounded, seamlessly blending with the root of the tail
Chest: Medium wide, oval in diameter, reaching the elbows. The foreskin is clearly marked by the sternum.
Bottom line and belly: The belly is not too tight and forms a nicely curved line with the lower side of the chest.
Tail: Natural; looking for saber or sickle tail.
• Front legs
General appearance: Seen from the front, the front legs are strong, straight and not close to each other. Seen from the side, the forearm is straight.
Scapulae: The shoulder blades are attached to the chest, are muscular on both sides of the shoulder bone and protrude above the thoracic vertebrae. . Hair as high as possible and well laid back. They form an angle of about 50 degrees with the horizontal line.
Upper arm: Close to the body, strong and muscular. Creates an angle of 95 to 100 degrees with the shoulder blade.
Elbow: In the correct position, not turned inward or outward.
Forearm: Strongly developed and muscular. Seen from the front and from the side, it is completely real.
Hip: Strong and firm
Hoofs: Strong and somewhat elastic. Seen from the front, vertical, seen from the side, slightly slanted towards the ground.
Forelegs: Short and round, toes are well attached to each other and protruding (cat's paw ), the pads are resistant, the nails are short, black and strong.
• Hind legs:
Viewed from the side, angled, viewed from the front , parallel but not close to each other when viewed from behind.
Thighs: Medium length, broad, slightly muscular
Knee: Neither turned in nor out
Shin: Long and strong, merging with a strong hock wrist.
Hock: Strongly angulated, strong, firm, neither turned in nor out
Hind Feet: Vertical to the ground
Hind feet: Slightly longer than the front feet. The fingers are firmly attached to each other and protruding. The nails are short and black.
Movement: The German Pinscher is a trotter. His back when moving remains firm and quite stable. The movement is harmonious, safe, forceful and unrestrained, with a good stride length. Typical for the trot is a relaxed and easy movement with gaining space, a strong push and a free kicking of the front legs.
Skin: Tight on the whole body
Coat: Short and thick, smooth, close to the body and shiny, without parts that are not shed
• Solid color dogs: dull red (deer red), reddish-baron, to dark red-brown
• Black and light brown dogs: shiny black with red or brown tan. They strive for a burn that is darker, richer and more defined. The markings are distributed as follows: above the eyes, on the underside of the throat, on the paws, on the paws, on the inside of the hind legs and under the root of the tail. There are two equal, clearly separated triangles on the chest.
l Height and weight
Height at the withers: Males and females 25 to 30 cm. Weight: Males and females 4 to 6 kg.
Flaws: All deviations from the above points should be considered as faults, and the seriousness with which these faults are taken into account should to be proportional to their degree and their impact on the dog's health and well-being.
- Clumsy or delicate constitutions. Too short or too long legs.
– Heavy or round skull
- Wrinkles on the forehead
- Short, pointed or narrow muzzle
– Pincer bite
– Bright, too small or too big eyes
– Ears set low or too long, unevenly worn
– Underarm
– Too long, gathered or soft back
– Patterned back
– Falling croup
– Long feet
– Leveling
– Bouncing when moving
– Sparse hair
– Black mark on the back, dark saddle and lightened or pale hair
- The height at the withers deviates from the prescribed up to 1 cm
Severe flaws:
- Sexual dimorphism is not expressed (e.g. virilization of females)
– Gentle looking
– Apple head
– The lines of the head are not parallel
– The elbows are turned outwards
– “O” position of the hind legs
– Ankles turned outwards
- The height at the withers deviates from the prescribed by more than 1 and less than 3 cm
Disqualifying Flaws:
- Timidity, Aggressiveness, Malignancy, Excessive Suspiciousness or Nervous Temperament
– Any deformity
– Features of the opposite sex are clearly visible
- Errors in the structure of the mouth in the form of an overbite or underbite, or kr living mouth
- Serious errors in individual parts of the body, such as constitutional errors, errors in the appearance of hair or color
- The height at the withers deviates from the prescribed by more than 2 cm
All dogs that clearly show physical deficiencies or those in behavior are disqualified.
N.B: In males there must be two apparently properly developed testicles completely lowered into the scrotum.